Real-time Interactive Percussion for Rhythmic Exploration
Traditional drum machines and digital drum-kits offer users the ability to practice or perform with a supporting ensemble – such as a bass, guitar and piano – but rarely offer support in the form of an accompanying percussion part. Beatback is a system which develops upon this missing interaction through offering a MIDI enabled drum system which learns and plays in the user's style. In the contexts of rhythmic practise and exploration, Beatback looks at call-response and accompaniment models of interaction to enable new possibilities for rhythmic creativity.

Andrew Hawryshkewich, Philippe Pasquier, Arne Eigenfeldt.
Research paper
Poster presentation SIAT Open House Poster.
Hawryshkewich, A., Pasquier, P. & Eigenfeldt, A. (2010). "Beatback: A Real-time Interactive Percussion System for Self Directed Practise" New Interfaces of Musical Expression (NIME), Sydney, Australia.