MoComp: A Tool for Comparative Visualization between Takes of Motion Capture Data

MoComp is an interactive visualization tool developed by Carl Malmstrom, Yaying Zhang et al in SIAT, SFU that allows users to identify and understand differences in motion between two takes of motion capture data. In MoComp, the body part position and motion is visualized focusing on angles of the joints making up each body part. This makes the tool useful for between-take and even between-subject comparison of particular movements since the angle data is independent of the size of the captured subject.

This is a collaborative project with movingstories Lab.




Yaying Zhang, Thecla Schiphorst, Philippe Pasquier, Lyn Bartram, Carl Malmstrom.

Research Paper

Carl Malmstrom, Yaying Zhang, Philippe Pasquier, Thecla Schiphorst, and Lyn Bartram. 2016. MoComp: A Tool for Comparative Visualization between Takes of Motion Capture Data. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing (MOCO '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 11 , 8 pages. DOI:

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